Work with Spark

URI Scheme

Remember to prefix your S3 paths with s3a instead of s3 or s3n.

Local Spark Setup

If you’re running Spark locally, you’ll need to add the rikai jar when creating the Spark session:

spark = (
      .config('spark.jars.packages', 'ai.eto:rikai:0.0.5')

If you want to read/write data from/to S3, you will need additional setup:

  1. Setup AWS credentials or specify them directly as Spark config

  2. Add hadoop-aws and aws-java-sdk jars to your Spark classpath. Make sure you download versions that match. For example, if you have apache spark 3.0.1 with hadoop 2.7.4 setup, then you should use hadoop-aws v2.7.4. You can then see on maven that this pairs with aws-java-sdk v1.7.4.

  3. Specify additional options when creating the Spark session:

spark = (
    .config('spark.jars.packages', 'ai.eto:rikai:0.0.5')
    .config("spark.driver.extraJavaOptions", "")
    .config("spark.executor.extraJavaOptions", "")

Note that for hadoop 2.7.x you may need to configure the aws endpoints. See hadoop-aws documentation for details.


If you are using Databricks, you shouldn’t need to manually configure the Spark options and classpath. Please follow Databricks documentation and install both the python package from pypi and the jar from maven.